Axis is essentially a SOAP engine.It is an implemetation of SOAP which provides abstarction from dealing with SOAP and WSDL directly.You can always write webservices without Axis but it will be a very tedious job then.
Axis2 is SOAP 3.0 which is written from scratch,the intention is to create a more modular, more flexible, and higher-performing SOAP implementation (relative to Apache SOAP 2.0).
Axis provides a framework for constructing SOAP processors such as clients, servers, gateways, etc. Axis supports both Java and C++.
But Axis isn't just a SOAP engine -- it also includes:
-a simple standalone server.
-a server which plugs into servlet engines such as Tomcat.
-extensive support for the Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
-emitter tooling that generates Java classes from WSDL.
-some sample programs, and a tool for monitoring TCP/IP packets.
Services provided by AXIS:-
A soap Engine that accepts and responds SOAP messages. This is deployed as a Web Application on a Web/Application server
-AdminService : A Web service comes by default in AXIS that helps in deploying/ undeploying another Web Services
-AxisServlet : A Servlet deployed in AXIS that helps in Calling of another Web Services-API to Access and call any web service (This internally uses javax.xml.rpc)
-org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient :Tool to deploy a piece of code as web service into the Soap Engine.
-org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java : Tool to generate java stub from a WSDL file.
-org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL : Tool to generate a WSDL file from a java class or interface.
Deploying AXIS:-
Download the Axis binary from there website
-Extract the zip file and locate axis folder inside webapps
-You can directly deploy the axis into the Web- server ( if it allows you so), by copying the axis into the deployment folder of Web server, e.g. webapps in Tomcat.
-If web server is running on port 8080 in local machine that axis will be running at https://localhost:8080/axis
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