How can you prevent caching in JSP?
Execute the following scriptlet at the beginning of your JSP pages to prevent JSPs from being cached by browsers.You need both the statemen...
Execute the following scriptlet at the beginning of your JSP pages to prevent JSPs from being cached by browsers.You need both the statemen...
JSP runtime exceptions are handled through the implicit object named "exception". This exception object can be used in a special t...
You can show MS Word, Excel or PDF or any other type of document through your JSP or servlet by using : response.setContentType("mime...
The answer is Yes. There are two ways you could use XML data in a JSP page: • Convert the XML elements into server-side objects and then ex...
JSP Comments: The JSP supports two type of comments :- -Output -Hidden JSP Output Comments are those ones which can be viewed on the HTM...
JSP has following three life cycle methods: a) jspInit(): It is the very first method which is called by JSP container to initialize t...
Hers is a list of questions on JSP(All answers open in new tab/window) : What is the difference between Java Servlets and Java ServerPages...
Here I go with the list of questions on Servlets and JSPs .All answers open in a new window, so in order to get back to the list of question...
The objects which are created by web container and are available in a JSP page for various information extractions from there objects.The di...
<@ include file = ...> : The content of included file is textually embedded in the page that has <@ include file="..">...
is processed at the server end for forwarding a client request to a specified URL while HttpResponse.sendRedirect() method is used at the c...
JSP directive <%@include%> is interpreted at the compile time and text is merged before JSP being converted into servlet. While in ca...
A JSP is a Servlet with a Web page flavor.There are more similarities than differences between the two.JSP uses its own tags which are ultim...