Master List Of Java EE,Open Source,Advanced Technologies Questions(Release I )
- Servlets
- What is a servlet? Explain its lifecycle.
- What is the difference between CGI and servlets?
- What is a middleware and what is the functionality of Webserver?
- Can there be more than one instance of a servlet at one time ?
- Why there are no constructors in servlets?
- What is a Servlet Context?
- What is meant by Session tell me something about HttpSession?
- What is the difference between GenericServlet and HTTPServlet?
- What is the difference between doGet and doPost methods of HttpServlet class?
- Why do GenericServlet and HttpServlet class implement Serializable interface?
- How will you pass values from HTML to the servlet?
- Can you use System.exit in your servlet end code?
- If my browser does not support Cookie and my server sends a Cookie instance what will happen?
- Can you use System.exit in your servlet end code?
- What is the difference in between encodeRedirectURL and encodeURL?
- How do you make servlet thread-safe?
- How do you communicate between applet and servlet?
- What is the difference between Java Servlets and Java ServerPages (JSP)?
- What is the difference between page directive 'include' and 'jsp include' action command?
- What is the difference between 'jsp:forward' and HttpResponse.sendRedirect()?
- What is the difference between 'include file=".."' and 'jsp:include page = ... '?
- What are implicit objects in JSP?
- Explain the life-cycle methods of JSP
- Explain different constituents of JSP like comments,expressions,declarations,scriptlets.
- Does JSP support XML pages creation?
- How can I show various kind of documents to a web client from JSP's and/or servlets?
- How will you handle runtime exceptions in your JSPs?
- How can you prevent caching in JSP?
- How EJB evolved over the years?
- What are Entity Bean and Session Bean?
- How is container managed entity bean created?
- What is the difference between Container managed persistent and Bean managed persistent
- What is the difference between ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate() in EntityBean?
- What are the services provided by the EJB container ?
- What are new features of EJB3?
- What is Connection Pooling? Is it advantageous?
- What's difference between Servlet/JSP session and EJB session?
- How is JDO(Java Data Object) different from VO(Value Object) ?
- What is session facade?
- What are Bean-Managed Transactions?
- What are some tips for using bean-managed transaction demarcation?
- What is JTS ?
- What are transaction properties?
- What are transaction attributes ? Which transaction attributes should I use in which situations?
- How can you handle transaction isolation?
- What is Struts and how it helps in web development?
- Explain Struts1.x in a nutshell?
- What are the methods in Action class?
- How you will handle errors and exceptions in Struts?
- How does Validator framework work in Struts?
- What is DispatchAction?
- How to handle duplicate submits in Struts?(new)
- What is Spring framework
- Why is Spring Framework needed anyway?
- What do you understand by Inversion of Control/Dependency Injection?
- What is BeanFactory?
- Explain ApplicationContext in Spring framework.
- What is Aspect Oriented Programming and how is it related with Spring?
- What are the problems you have with JDBC and how does Spring framework help to resolve them?
- Explain typical Bean life cycle in Spring Bean Factory Container
- What are ORMs supported by Spring and how it integrates with Hibernate?
- What is messaging and how is it different from RMI?
- When is JMS needed?
- How Does the JMS API Work with the Java EE Platform?
- Explain JMS API Architecture.
- Explain Point-to-Point Messaging Domain.
- Explain Publish/Subscribe Messaging Domain.
- What are Design Patterns and why one needs them?
- What are different types of design patterns?
- What is Singleton Design Pattern?
- What is difference between Abstract Factory and Factory Method design patterns?
- Explain Adapter Design Pattern in Java
- Explain Decorator Design Pattern in Java
- Explain Facade Design Pattern in Java
EJB Transactions
Struts Framework
Spring Framework
Java Design Patterns