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    What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?

    An abstract class allows its subclasses to override the methods defined in it. It is never instantiated and a class can inherit from a single class, as Java doesn't support for Multiple Inheritance. It may contain both abstract and non-abstract methods.

    An interface has public, abstract methods and may have public, static and final variables (read only). It introduces multiple inheritance by a class implementing several interfaces.

    An example:

    interface Movable
    abstract move ();
    abstract class Mammal
    void getHeight(float height)
    { ... }
    abstract eat();
    abstract class Vehicle
    void getSizeofSeat(float seatSize)
    { ... }
    abstract engineType();
    class Student extends Mammal implements Move
    void eat()
    void move();
    class Car extends Vehicle implements Move
    getSizeofSeat(float seatSize
    void engineTypr()
    void move();

    Hence Student and Car is not related but they can still implement the Move interface.

    Moreover,an abstract class can have concrete methods while an interface cannot.

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